
Herramientas del Poder Espiritual

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

Durante miles de años, el camino espiritual ha estado encerrado en el misterio. Este libro promete desmitificar y quitarle el glamour al crecimiento del alma. Download as an E-Book here.

Seven Steps For Creating A New You

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

You have new possibilities. What are you waiting for? :) Release your old self and embrace the new you! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.

Seven Steps For Successful Life Transitions

Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions

What's holding you back? Jane helps you forgive, release and let go! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.


Handout: Journaling Questions for Moving through Difficulties

Download: Seven Steps for Moving through Difficulties

Handout: Journaling Questions for Original Seven Steps

Download: Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions

Handout: Journaling Questions for Moving into the New Year

Download: Seven Steps for Moving into the New Year

Handout: Healing Meditation Invocation

Download: Healing Meditation Invocation

Handout: Seven Steps to Creating A New You

This material supplements Jane's CD: Seven Steps for Creating A New YOU; available in the Center store. We often work hard on our relationships with others and sometimes forget the most important relationship we have: the one with ourselves. This CD supports self growth and new possibilities through forgiveness, release and letting go. 

Download: Seven Steps for Creating A New You


Handout: Initiation

"Initiation marks a new level of understanding that propels you into a progressive process of education, similar to the stages from elementary school to middle school, high school,college and then on to graduate school. Everything flows and moves in upwardly progressing cycles, according to a mathematical plan. There are rhythms and cycles to everything, from the tiniest particle to each individual soul and on up through the whole universe...."

Download: Initiation Handout - by Jane Hart


Course Material: Reincarnation and Charles Fillmore

This reference material supplements Jane's CD courses: "Reincarnation and Charles Fillmore" available in the Center store. Jane has taught this multi-week course all over the country, and has been featured many times at the renowned Unity Institute (Unity Village, Missouri), co-founded by Charles Fillmore. This course educates your mind, inspires you and supports your soul's evolution. Providing a new understanding of karma and reincarnation, it has been praised as a life-changing course by thousands of students from around the world.  

Download: Reincarnation and Charles Fillmore


Course Material: The Game of Life

This Karmic Scorecard handout coincides with Jane Elizabeth's video series: The Game of Life, found on YouTube. Jane Elizabeth shares about how to cooperate with your soul, how to work with your karma, and what the rules are. You can figure out your life and how to play it better!

Download: Karmic Scorecard