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Your Evolutionary Journey

Beloved Soul in Evolution,

The evolutionary journey requires you to observe yourself, and understand old patterns and release them, peeling away the layers of your subconscious. The whole process of evolution is about finding out who you really are, which means first removing the veils of misconception. This is your responsibility, to do this consciously, willingly, courageously.

As you peel away one layer of false beliefs, you also awaken to the higher vibrations of your Infinite Self, which in turn gives you access to new information and a greater ability to process information. Step by step, you become more consciously aware of your True Self and how Cosmic Energy operates in the universe.

As you watch this week's video and incorporate these teachings in your daily practices, remember especially to:

Work on your meditation, to connect with the vibration of this new energy, even if your mind chatters.

Be in your Observer Self. It is your best friend and will help free you from your false beliefs and awaken to a higher vibration within you.

Journal your responses to the following questions to go deeper in your understanding of your soul evolution:

1) What is happening in your life right now that is helping you evolve?

2) What opposites have you been experiencing recently that are helping you see something that needs to be released?

3) Remember a time when your judgment was off. How did you discover that it was off?

4) What new perspective did you have after you released the faulty judgment(s) about the situation?

5) How do you experience the new energy supporting you? Do you find you are processing situations more quickly?

Feel free to share your insights with me. I am here for you, and we are all evolving together!

With all my love,

Jane Elizabeth

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Center Media:

Be sure to check out the Store: "Sleep with Your Soul," an audio meditation download by Jane Elizabeth.

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