
Herramientas del Poder Espiritual

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

Durante miles de años, el camino espiritual ha estado encerrado en el misterio. Este libro promete desmitificar y quitarle el glamour al crecimiento del alma. Download as an E-Book here.

Seven Steps For Creating A New You

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

You have new possibilities. What are you waiting for? :) Release your old self and embrace the new you! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.

Seven Steps For Successful Life Transitions

Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions

What's holding you back? Jane helps you forgive, release and let go! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.


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Aprenda a afrontar sus miedos

Un paso importante para tomar en nuestro viaje espiritual es para aprender a afrontar con los miedos que tenemos.

Es fácil reconocer porque viene con una vibración y energía distinta. El temor domina la mayor parte de situaciones y apaga los momentos felices. Mucho de los miedos que tenemos están arraigados de situaciones kármicos del pasado.

Acción para tomar: Descubra las raíces de su miedo por escribir su último miedo. A continuación, medite sobre ello y pida un nuevo entendimiento. Anote en su diario los resultados.

Esto le dará una mayor comprensión de su ALMA.


Learn To Deal With Your Fears

An important step to take on our spiritual journey is to learn to deal with our fears. Every person knows fear.

It is easy to recognize because it comes with a vibration and energy all of its own. Fear dominates most situations and puts a damper on many happy moments. Many of the fears we have are rooted in past karmic situations.

Action to take: Uncover the roots of your fear by writing down your latest fear. Then meditate on it and ask for new understanding. Journal the results.

This will give you greater understanding of your SOUL.

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