
Herramientas del Poder Espiritual

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

Durante miles de años, el camino espiritual ha estado encerrado en el misterio. Este libro promete desmitificar y quitarle el glamour al crecimiento del alma. Download as an E-Book here.

Seven Steps For Creating A New You

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

You have new possibilities. What are you waiting for? :) Release your old self and embrace the new you! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.

Seven Steps For Successful Life Transitions

Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions

What's holding you back? Jane helps you forgive, release and let go! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.


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Los problemas son herramientas para apoyar su alma

Cualquier problema de la vida está aquí para apoyar la evolución de su alma. A menos que tenga un reto, nunca sabrá sus capacidades. Sus problemas no son horribles. ¡Son las herramientas más maravillosas para empujarle hacia adelante!

Acción para tomar para trabajar en el mejor interés de su alma:

Decida sobre cuánto tiempo será negativo sobre una situación. Si elige una hora, preocupa todo que desea para esos 60 minutos, entonces dejar ir y estar receptivo para la solución y la lección espiritual que está detrás de la dificultad.

English: Problems Are Tools to Support Your Soul

Every problem in life is here to support your souls evolution. Unless you have a challenge, you will never know your capabilities. Your problems are not awful. They are the most wonderful tools designed to push you forward!

Action to take to work in the best interest of your soul:

Make up your mind as to how long you will be negative about a situation. If you choose an hour, worry all you want for those 60 minutes, then let it go and be open for the solution and the spiritual lesson behind the difficulty.

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