
Herramientas del Poder Espiritual

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

Durante miles de años, el camino espiritual ha estado encerrado en el misterio. Este libro promete desmitificar y quitarle el glamour al crecimiento del alma. Download as an E-Book here.

Seven Steps For Creating A New You

Seven Steps for Creating A New You

You have new possibilities. What are you waiting for? :) Release your old self and embrace the new you! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.

Seven Steps For Successful Life Transitions

Seven Steps for Successful Life Transitions

What's holding you back? Jane helps you forgive, release and let go! Purchase this on CD, or download as an mp3 file here.


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La conciencia es todo lo que hay

La Pascua trae una nueva vibración para el crecimiento espiritual. Vamos a escoger este tiempo especial para avanzar nuestra conciencia. Se nos ha dado libre albedrío para elegir como vivimos nuestras vidas.

"Elijo a observar mis actividades cotidianas y tomar decisiones sabias para el progreso de conciencia de mi alma porque sé que la conciencia es realmente todo lo que hay."

Acción para tomar: Haga una lista de cinco maneras que va a apoyarse activamente a sí mismo esta semana.

English: Consciousness Is All There Is

Easter brings in a new vibration for spiritual growth. Let us all take hold of this special time to advance our consciousness. We have been given free will to choose how we live our lives.

"I choose to observe my every day activities and make wise choices for my soul's advancement in consciousness because I know consciousness is really all there is."

Action to take: List five ways you are going to actively support yourself this week.

¡Feliz Pascua!

Happy Easter

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